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Oct. 26 2010
I remember having to write an answer to this essay question in my high school English course. We were asked if we would rather be a second-rate artist or be known for making a first-rate soup. While most...
Oct. 20 2010
"Bogus" is the word that University of California-Davis Professor Frank Mitloehner used to describe the FAO's original estimation of livestock's contribution to greenhouse gasses during his presentation...
Oct. 15 2010
Chicago, Atlanta and Miami, or Beijing, Tijuana and Riyadh? One group of cities is the perception of where U.S. dairy products are sold; the other is the fast-growing reality and the future. Forecasters...
Sept. 22 2010
The results are in, and all gasses are accounted for. Yes, today, the industry-supported group, Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, has officially announced the completion of an unprecedented life cycle...
Aug. 30 2010
In the rush of the end of summer, most of us find ourselves at some sort of fair or another. For Minnesotans, it usually means the State Fair - twelve days of fun that always end on labor day. During the...
July 7 2010
Okay, so the title may sound like a bit of a second grade playground dare. But, we do want you to take this as a challenge. Dairy Management, Inc. (check-off organization) along with its social media guide...
TAMU vet emergency team
June 25 2010
It's not exactly like M*A*S*H, but if you squint there's definitely a similarity. A new team of Texas rangers has been formed that stands ready to serve the state's citizens during times of emergency....
May 6 2010
There was a 30 percent drop in the value of milk marketed by dairy farmers last year, according to the USDA-NASS publication, Milk Production, Disposition, and Income released last week. That was a drop...
April 15 2010
Interest in some type of policy to control milk production or manage milk supply growth continues to gather steam. Even some people and some organizations that have been categorically opposed to the concept...
April 7 2010
The 37th annual National Ag Day was held throughout the country on March 20 to celebrate the importance of agriculture in our country. As part of the celebration, seventh through twelfth grade students...
Feb. 17 2010
Ben and Jerry's ice cream of Waterbury, Vt. is home to the largest tourist attraction in the state of Vermont. Nearly a half million visitors walk through their processing facilities each year. Let's not...
Jan. 13 2010
Have you ever seen a playpen (for children- not calves) in a barn? We have. Or maybe heard one of those "I milked cows the day I went into labor!" stories? Yep, it all happens on the farm. Have a story...